41. Which of these statements about Terraform Cloud workspaces is false?
A. They can securely store cloud credentials
B. They have role-based access controls
C. You must use the CLI to switch between workspaces
D. Plans and applies can be triggered via version control system integrations
42. What value does the Terraform Cloud private registry provide over the public Terraform Module Registry?
A. The ability to restrict modules to members of Terraform Cloud or Enterprise organizations
B. The ability to share modules publicly with any user of Terraform
C. The ability to tag modules by version or release
D. The ability to share modules with public Terraform users and members of Terraform Cloud Organizations
43. Terraform providers are part of the Terraform core binary.
A. True
B. False
44. Which of the following is not a benefit of adopting infrastructure as code?
A. Reusability of code
B. Automation
C. Graphical User Interface
D. Versioning
45. Where does the Terraform local backend store its state?
A. In the terraform.tfstate file
B. In the .terraform directory
C. In the terraform.tfstate directory
D. In the .terraform.lock.hcl file
46. Which of these is true about Terraform’s plugin-based architecture?
A. Terraform can only source providers from the internet
B. You can create a provider for your API if none exists
C. Every provider in a configuration has its own state file for its resources
D. All providers are part of the Terraform core binary
47. Your risk management organization requires that new AWS S3 buckets must be private and encrypted at rest. How can Terraform Cloud automatically and proactively enforce this security control?
A. Auditing cloud storage buckets with a vulnerability scanning tool
B. With a Sentinel policy, which runs before every apply
C. With an S3 module with proper settings for buckets
D. By adding variables to each Terraform Cloud workspace to ensure these settings are always enabled
48. If you don’t use the local backend, where does Terraform save resource state?
A. In the remote backend or Terraform Cloud
B. On the disk
C. In memory
D. In an environment variable
49. Which argument helps prevent unexpected updates when calling Terraform Registry modules?
A. count
B. source
C. version
D. lifecycle
50. Setting the TF_LOG environment variable to DEBUG causes debug messages to be logged into stdout.
A. True
B. False