Q121. Who starts the Daily Scrum?
A. The person coming in last. This encourages people to be on time and helps them to stay within the time-box.
B. Whoever the Development Team decides should start.
C. The person who has the token.
D. The Scrum Master. This ensures that the Development Team has the meeting and stays within the time-box.
E. The person who last broke the build.
Q122. You are the Scrum Master on a newly formed Scrum Team. Which three of the following activities would probably help the team in starting up? (Choose three.)
A. Introduce a bonus system for the top performers in the team.
B. Have the Scrum Team members introduce themselves to each other and give a brief background to their skills and work history.
C. Have the development managers for each Development Team member introduce their direct reports and go over their responsibilities on the Scrum Team.
D. Ensure the Scrum Team members have compatible personalities.
E. Ensure the team understands they need a definition of `Done`.
F. Ask the Product Owner to discuss the product or project, its history, goals, and context, as well as answer questions.
B, E, F
Q123. A Development Team selects a set of Product Backlog items for a Sprint Backlog with the intent to get the selected items `Done` by the end of the Sprint. Which three phrases best describe the purpose of a definition of `Done`? (Choose three.)
A. It controls whether the developers have performed their tasks.
B. It provides a template for elements that need to be included in the technical documentation.
C. It creates transparency over the work inspected at the Sprint Review.
D. It trucks the percent completeness of a Product Backlog item.
E. It guides the Development Team is creating a forecast at the Sprint Planning.
F. It defines what it takes for an Increment to be ready for release.
C, E, F
Q124. Select two ways in which technical debt impacts transparency. (Choose two.)
A. When calculated and estimated, the total amount of technical debt shows exactly how long until the Product Owner can release the Increment.
B. It leads to false assumptions about the current state of the system, specifically of an Increment being releasable at the end of a Sprint.
C. As development progresses and code is added, the system becomes more difficult to stabilize, which results in future work being slowed down in unpredictable ways.
D. It enhances transparency for the Product Owner as a Development Team is not allowed to do additional feature development in a Sprint as long as there is technical debt.
B, C
Q125. Which of these may a Development Team deliver at the end of a Sprint?
A. Failing unit tests, to identify acceptance tests for the next Sprint.
B. An increment of software with minor known bugs in it.
C. An increment of working software that is `done`.
D. A single document, if that is what the Scrum Master asked for.
Q126. How much of the Sprint Backlog must be defined during the Sprint Planning event?
A. Just enough tasks for the Scrum Master to be confident in the Development Team’s understanding of the Sprint.
B. The entire Sprint Backlog must be identified and estimated by the end of the Sprint Planning meeting.
C. Enough so the Development Team can create its best forecast of what it can do, and to start the first several days of the Sprint.
D. Just enough to understand design and architectural implications.
Q127. Who is responsible for managing the progress of work during a Sprint?
A. The Scrum Master.
B. The Development Team.
C. The Product Owner.
D. The most junior member of the Team.
Q128. A Development Team is required to deliver a done Increment by the end of a Sprint. Select two statements that explain what `Done` means. (Choose two.)
A. All the work the Development Team is willing to do.
B. Ready for integration.
C. No work left from the definition of `Done`.
D. Whatever the Product Owner defines as quality.
E. Ready to be released to end users.
C, E
Q129. What two factors are best considered when establishing the Sprint length? (Choose two.)
A. The organization has mandated similar length sprints.
B. The level of uncertainty over the technology to be used.
C. The frequency at which team formation can be changed.
D. The risk of being disconnected from the stakeholders.
B, D
Q130. Which of the following are true about the length of the Sprint? (Choose two.)
A. The length of the Sprint should be proportional to the work that is done in between Sprints.
B. It is best to have Sprints of consistent length throughout a development effort.
C. Sprint length is determined during Sprint Planning, and should hold the time it will take to code the planned features in the upcoming Sprint, but does not include time for any testing.
D. Sprint length is determined during Sprint Planning, and should be long enough to make sure the Development Team can deliver what is to be accomplished in the upcoming Sprint.
E. All Sprints must be 1 month or less.
B, E