You recently deployed an application to GKE where Pods are writing files to a Compute Engine persistent disk. You have created a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) and a PersistentVolume (PV) object on Kubernetes for the disk, and you reference the PVC in the deployment manifest file.
You recently expanded the size of the persistent disk because the application has used up almost all of the disk space. You have logged on to one of the Pods, and you notice that the disk expansion is not visible in the container file system. What should you do?
A. Set the value of the PV object to match the size of the persistent disk. Apply the updated configuration by using kubectl.
B. Recreate the application Pods by running the kubectl delete deployment DEPLOYMENT_NAME && kubectl apply deployment.yaml command, where the DEPLOYMENT_NAME parameter is the name of your deployment and deployment.yaml is its manifest file.
C. Set the value of the PVC object to match the size of the persistent disk. Apply the updated configuration by using kubectl.
D. In the Pod, resize the disk partition to the maximum value by using the fdisk or parted utility.