Vault Associate Certification Q51-Q60

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  2. Vault Associate Certification Q11-Q20
  3. Vault Associate Certification Q21-Q30
  4. Vault Associate Certification Q31-Q40
  5. Vault Associate Certification Q41-Q50
  6. Vault Associate Certification Q51-Q60
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  8. Vault Associate Certification Q71-Q80
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Q51. Which of the following vault lease operations uses a lease_id as an argument? (Choose two.)

A. renew
B. revoke -prefix
C. create
D. describe
E. revoke


A, E

Q52. An organization wants to authenticate an AWS EC2 virtual machine with Vault to access a dynamic database secret. The only authentication method which they can use in this case is AWS.

A. True
B. False



Q53. You are using Vault’s Transit secrets engine to encrypt your data. You want to reduce the amount of content encrypted with a single key in case the key gets compromised. How would you do this?

A. Use 4096-bit RSA key to encrypt the data
B. Upgrade to Vault Enterprise and integrate with HSM
C. Periodically re-key the Vault’s unseal keys
D. Periodically rotate the encryption key



Q54. What does the following policy do?

path "secret/data/{{}}/*" {
   capabilities = ["create", "update", "read", "delete"]

path "secret/metadata/{{}}/*" {
   capabilities = ["list"]

A. Grants access for each user to a KV folder which shares their id
B. Grants access to a special system entity folder
C. Allows a user to read data about the secret endpoint identity
D. Nothing, this is not a valid policy



Q55. To make an authenticated request via the Vault HTTP API, which header would you use?

A. The X-Vault-Token HTTP Header
B. The X-Vault-Request HTTP Header
C. The Content-Type HTTP Header
D. The X-Vault-Namespace HTTP Header



Q56. Which of the following replication methods are available in Vault Enterprise? (Choose two.)

A. Cluster sharding
B. Namespaces
C. Performance Replication
D. Disaster Recovery Replication


C, D

Q57. The key/value v2 secrets engine is enabled at secret/. See the following policy:

path "secret/data/*" {
   capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]

path "secret/data/super-secret" {
   capabilities = ["deny"]

Which of the following operations are permitted by this policy? (Choose two.)

A. vault kv get secret/webapp1
B. vault kv put secret/webapp1 apikey-“ABCDEFGHIDK123W”
C. vault kv metadata get secret/webapp1
D. vault kv delete secret/super-secret
E. vault kv list secret/super-secret


A, B

Q58. You are using the Vault userpass auth method mounted at auth/userpass. How do you create a new user named “sally” with password “h0wN0wB4r0wnC0w”? This new user will need the power-users policy.


vault put auth/userpass/users/sally \
password=h0wN0wB4r0wnC0w \


vault write userpass/sally \
password=h0wN0wB4r0wnC0w \


vault kv write userpass/sally \
password=h0wN0wB4r0wnC0w \


vault write auth/userpass/users/sally \
password=h0wN0wB4r0wnC0w \



Q59. The vault lease renew command increments the lease time from:

A. The current time
B. The end of the lease



Q60. You have a 2GB Base64 binary large object (blob) that needs to be encrypted. Which of the following best describes the transit secrets engine?

A. A data key encrypts the blob locally, and the same key decrypts the blob locally.
B. To process such a large blob. Vault will temporarily store it in the storage backend.
C. Vault will store the blob permanently. Be sure to run Vault on a compute optimized machine.
D. The transit engine is not a good solution for binaries of this size.



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